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Lucky Horseshoes

Lucky horseshoes are traditionally carried by a bride on her wedding day as a good luck token.

Once settled in their new marital home, the bride and groom should hang the horseshoe above the entrance door to ensure good look and to ward off evil. To keep the lucky in, the horseshoe should have the U facing up.

These beautiful lucky horseshoes make the perfect lucky token gift for any bride. 

Can also be given as a gift of luck and a keepsake on any special occassion, such as a christening, anniversary or birthday.




A time honoured tradition originating from an old English rhyme:-

'Something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue
and a silver sixpence in her shoe.'

Traditionally, the silver sixpence would be placed in the bride's shoe by her father just before she walks down the aisle as a wish for love, prosperity and happiness in her marriage.



It is said that hairpins bring good luck.  You should use eight of them on your wedding hairstyle (or multiple of eight) and your good fortune will be multiplied.